“Will I make it in time to the airport to catch my flight?”
My old friend Anna is a person who did a lot of things to avoid being unprepared. She planned her trips in advance, checked her baggage twice, and ensured that she packed and prepared for the trip before the actual departure date. However, on this particular day, things went wrong. There was a lot of traffic on the road, her GPS was not in the best condition, and the next thing she knew, she was running late for a very important flight.
Her heart began to beat faster, and she felt the anxiety creeping up on her when she looked at the clock and realized she had a limited amount of time to get to the airport. She didn’t want to just sit and worry.
Anna had heard about horary astrology before, and I had done some readings for her in the past, but she had never considered using it for something so urgent. However, as time ran out and her nerves began to get the best of her, she knew exactly who to call. She reached out to me for some much-needed guidance. With anxiety mounting, she called me and asked:
“Will I make it in time to the airport to catch my flight?”
I constructed the horary chart at the time Anna asked her question exactly. What makes horary astrology so special is that it can offer solutions to problems that are time-sensitive, especially when time is of the essence.
In this case, the planets at the time of Anna’s query gave me an understanding of what she was going through. The positions indicated that the situation was rather dire, but the chart suggested that she would make it, as long as she took a more direct path and kept her wits about her.
In the process of conveying the reading to Anna, I told her that though it was going to be a close call, the probability was on her side if she kept her nerves in check and made good decisions. It also told her to be firm in her decisions and have faith in the process, since doubt would only slow her down.
Anna followed the advice given by the horary reading. She took a different route that would have her reach her destination faster, paid attention to what she was doing, and had a positive outlook even though the pressure was mounting. Although she was stressed, she didn’t let her anxiety get the better of her and thus did not incumber the process further.
When Anna got to the airport, she could hardly believe it — she got there just in the nick of time to catch her flight. The reading was accurate, and the information she gained at the right time helped her handle the situation with a clear mind and intention. She reached the check-in counter with just a few minutes to go, and she couldn’t help but feel a huge sense of relief.
In retrospect, Anna was most impressed by how horary astrology solved her particular need that was pressing. She was able to make good decisions promptly without feeling overwhelmed by anxiety. It told her that there are those moments when having the right direction at the right time can be a great help.
Since that day, Anna has turned to horary astrology for many more things than just traveling. She has come to realize that the great thing about horary is not only in getting answers to the big questions in life but in getting them quickly when the situation calls for it.