How a Horary Reading Helped Me Find Clarity During a Crossroad


“Should I leave my hometown and move to a new city to pursue my career, or should I stay where I am?”                                                                                      

Emma found herself at a turning point in her life when she approached me for the horary astrology consultation. She recently accepted a job in a different city which would allow her to do her job that she had wanted to do for many years. However, Emma had a problem: She liked the life she lived, her friends, and the place she lived in. The thought of giving away her life and moving to another city confuses her and makes her doubt herself. She didn’t know whether the job was the right decision for her life path or if she should stay where she is now and keep the life she built.

For many months, she had been contemplating it and had come to the point where she needed some guidance. It was at this time that she sought my help for a horary astrology consultation.

In our session, Emma’s question was clear:

“Should I stay in my hometown or move to another city to pursue my career?”

Horary astrology requires drawing a chart at the exact time of the inquiry to gain insights into the matter at hand. When we assessed the plan at that time, they gave us some important information about the situation. After casting the chart, it was clear that Emma was at a crossroads in her life. The position of planets indicated that Emma should think about her career and her future when making this decision. The chart indicated that staying where she is now would give her stability but would not ultimately result in satisfaction and personal growth that moving to the new city might provide. The new opportunity was not only good for her career but also the opportunity to develop as a person and as a professional. It was time for a change, and even though it would ask for some work and adaptation, the stars said that she would do well in the new situation.

Though Emma did not know what the significant change was that she had to make in order to move ahead, the horary consultation helped her to understand what she had been missing. She understood that she was not just accepting a job position; she was selecting the steps that would benefit her life in the present and future. It wasn’t a straightforward answer, but it became the exact thing she needed.

Emma found an apartment in the new location, had her things packed, and moved to start a new life. She found the professional opportunity she had been looking for in her new job the following year. She developed new connections, new skills, and she experienced a surprising increase in her self-esteem that she didn’t know was possible.

In her mind, the horary consultation was a milestone. During the times of uncertainty, it assisted her in knowing what to do in order to move ahead. It wasn’t an easy choice to make that leap, but it ended her up in a place where she needed to be in order to grow and succeed as an individual.

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